How do I install Anope Services?

Retrieve the latest build of your choice from
Login to your shell and transfer the "tar.gz" via ssh or ftp.

Now, you must ssh into your shell to begin installing.

Once you're inside the shell, perform the following commands (i will assume the latest version is 1.7.15):

gunzip anope-1.7.15.tar.gz
tar xfv anope-1.7.15.tar
cd anope-1.7.15
./Config (if you choose md5 encryption of the passwords, modules such as ns_getpass will not work)
make install
cd ..
cd services
pico services.conf (you should edit your services.conf to your satisfaction here)*
./services (this will start Anope Services should the conf have no errors)

NOTES: When editing the conf, be careful when enabling Raw. Raw is very unstable and can and WILL crash services and/or ircd(s) if not used properly.

*You may use Windows Notepad or Wordpad to edit the services.conf.

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